05 August 2012

It's August Already?

Summer is almost over. For many people, school and work will be starting up again. The summer olympics will be over in about a week from today. :((((( Many will be going on summer vacations. (I pray that they have safe journeys.) There's some sadness among people that summer is almost over. I'm going to miss the heat. Since I'm a very cold-natured person, I don't have any problems or complaints when the temperatures hit upper 80s to 90. However, I'm ready to put this summer behind me (somewhat). I had a job at a summer camp and I was really excited and ready to work and to meet people. I also figured that I could save up a small portion from what ever I earned and put it towards school this semester. I was convinced that I was going to have a fun and awesome summer. However, things went completely and utterly different than what I had expected. Halfway though summer camp, I was let go and sent home. Not only did that mean that I couldn't make the payment towards school, but it also meant feeling cut off from the friends that I made. Altogether, this shattered my confidence in doing any job well. Then more financial problems roll in. (My goodness so many people are greedy for money!) So, I'm left in the middle of the summer job-less, bored and wondering if I will even be able to go back to school in the fall... or even at all. With the school thing being said, I'm almost afraid to know what's going to happen this fall. So that's how I'm currently feeling. *Cue the violin*

I do realize that all of this is testing my faith and trust in God and that all of this will make me a stronger person in the end. To be completely honest, there are days when I think that no positive thing(s) are going to come of all of this. And there are days when I wish I could rewrite my summer completely, but I'm trying to learn from this and I won't let this wreck my relationship with Christ. As I'm writing this, I'm reminded of this:

"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:30-31.

 Other things will come and go but, the Lord is   f   o   r   e   v   e   r   .   .   . And not only that, but no matter what we do, say, act or think, He loves us immensely and that will never change.

Always Loves - Free Desktop Wallpaper

So I ask you all as the readers, how has your summer been? What or whom are you putting your hope in?

Be safe and stay hydrated!
Stay Hydrated

"Jesus loves you" picture from: 

"Stay hydrated" picture from:

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