14 August 2012

Late night thoughts

Thought 1:
I still don't know whether I'll get a chance to go back to school this semester but as of now, it's not looking so hot. :( Where are the money trees when you need them?

Thought 2:
In the past (okay, okay and recently... don't judge!), I've done those online career personality tests. Why? Largely because I was curious as to what another person or (computer) would say would work best for me. Partially because I was bored. As I reflect now, I find it interesting how being a writer or a novelist always came up somewhere. This is the time when I could have just a sneak peek 10 years into the future to see what my life, or in this case my career, is like.

Thought 3:
Fruit Pizza sounds really good right now. It's late and I'm low on groceries... drat! However, I remember eating a vegetable version of this. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to make it soon. Here's the recipe. When I make it, I'll be sure to let you all know how it turned out. Philadelphia Fruit Pizza

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