On top of the not in school, no money, no job (yet), no transportation of my own things (and other financial woes), my little rabbit, Romeo passed away a week and a half ago. One might think, "It's just an animal" but to us, he was another member of the family. I loved taking care of him and I loved the fact that God entrusted us to personally take care of a small part of His beautiful creation. I knew for a little while that his days were numbered, so when he got even sicker, I could only pray that when he went, I wouldn't lose it. He lived to a ripe old age of 11 1/2 years old. He would've been 12 in November. I feel very blessed to have had him in my life for the 8-9 or so years he lived with us. (We first got him when he was 3 or 4 years old from a co-worker of my dad's who got him from a pet store and kept him for a little bit.) And I can't wait to take care of another pet.
So that's that. One thing that I've learned so far is that when I'm going through a hard time in my life, I don't always want someone to come up with a solution or to find the right words to say. I know people mean well and some honestly want to help me but sometimes, it doesn't help. It usually stresses me out more. I'm realizing now that I'll start feeling better about things on my own with the help of God and time. In the meantime, having someone who is just willing to sit with me or just listen when I want to vent can help a bunch as well.
So I have a question for you. Do you have a friend who's going through a rough time with something? If so, have you tried being there at their side instead of trying to find the right words to say or the right thing that they should do? Sometimes, just that can mean the world to them. Try it!
(I should note, even if it seems obvious, that this will not work with all people. So I encourage you to listen to them to see what they need first because you just may end up having to take a completely different approach that's just as helpful!)
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