04 November 2012

Stereotypes of Black Women? This Madness Must End!

Hello all! Something has been on my mind lately. It's black women and how the media and general public negatively perceive us. I don't really know what the origin of this thought came from. Perhaps it's the upcoming election, maybe part of it is the situation regarding the bus driver and the patron that happend in Cleveland. Then again, maybe it's because I'm getting older and I'm becoming more aware to what's going on around me. Whether you choose to deny it or accept it, black women are still negatively stereotyped. When you close your eyes and picture a black woman in front of you, what do you honestly see? Here's a little list of some common ones:

1. All black women are overweight and don't take care of themselves---Not true! Take a look around and you'll see just like any other person and any other race, we come in different shapes and sizes. Each individual black woman has a different view of things and a different background. Some are more physically active than others. Just because they may not do the things you do or don't go to your gym doesn't mean that they don't value their health and well-being. Who knows, they may be more health conscious than you.

2. They don't listen to their men or they're always putting them down---I see this a lot in movies and television. I've never been a relationship before so I can't say a lot about this. Yes, some women are like that but believe me, we're not the only ones. And the group that fits into this category, is small.

3. Always angry---I've never really understood this one. Do we appear angry or is it how we come across? Maybe that person is having a bad day, isn't feeling well, etc. A particular person just may be more passionate about something than you are and it may come off as angry.

4. Narcissistic---It depends on the person and their personality. Some are more "me, me, me" and others are more willing to help others and lift them up. Personally, I know more black women who are the latter, including me and my family.

5. LOUD---My sister and I are living proof that not all black women are loud. That's something that the media puts into your head. I'm naturally a quiet person and I've been that way since pre-school. I've tried shouting and people have told me that I'm still not loud enough. (Truthfully, I haven't the foggiest what they're talking about.) Like any other person, some have louder voices so it seems like they're loud, some of us are more extroverted and outgoing regardless of who's around.

6. Hair is everything to us---I see this as more of a woman thing than a black woman thing. Society has created a "box" of what beauty is and unfortunately, black women weren't included. So we have become more active in finding what works for us and sometimes it's a longer process.

This just naming a few. The list could go on and into even more detail. Especially with attitude and looks. In my opinion negative stereotypes stem from ignorance and prejudice. And the media has don't more hurt than help so far. Very few media outlets are working to debunk these stereotypical myths So before you try to fit a person who just happens to be a black woman into how you think they live and act, try getting to know them. With about 7 billion people living on the planet, God has made each and every person different and without mistakes.

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