17 March 2013


"Am I now trying to win human approval, or God's approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
Galatians 1:10

Hi everyone! Long time no hear, I know. My fault! For the past couple weeks the subject of expectations and approval from people has been on my mind. There's so much going on in the news, talked about in articles and expressed in social media. People and groups are ripping each other to shreds because they're unhappy with the actions, beliefs or especially thoughts of the other group or person in question. And if it's not due to unhappiness it's because they want to appear above the person/group in some way, shape, or form. I don't know about anyone else, but when I think about all of this, it sounds EXHAUSTING!! Vegetarians/vegans versus meat-eaters, Christians versus non-Christians, white people versus black people, Liberals versus Conservatives, "for-Obama's" versus "against-Obamas", pro-lifers versus pro-choicers, heterosexuals versus homosexuals/bisexuals, pro-firearms versus anti-firearms... and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Isn't that sad?

Can we as humans get rid of hate, human disapproval and dislike? No. As long as we are on earth, it's always going to be around. We can try, but we are humans are imperfect. We are individuals who are born with free-will. So, no, that person is not going to think or act exactly like you think they should no matter how much you rant or threat. Whatever a person chooses to do/think is between them and God. What we can do is what God commands us and that's to LOVE each other. Regardless of lifestyle, thoughts or decisions. The best way to find out how to do that is to read the Bible for yourself. God shows us in His Word and tells us of His love constantly. It doesn't matter who we are, where we're from, what we think, what we did or what our actions are.

Trying to win the approval of everyone around you isn't going to lead you to the reward you think it will. Someone will always be disappointed or unhappy and you could (and just might) end up feeling drained, empty and/or stretched thin. I completely understand that we cannot completely overcome desires to win approval from everyone that surrounds us. Again, we aren't perfect. However, with God on our side and if we actively seek Him, He can and will show us how it's really done. So, I leave you with another verse that I think and pray on daily:

"May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
Psalm 19:14

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