19 April 2013

Crazy Doesn't Even Begin to Describe this Week

Seriously... it doesn't. I can only pray that the suspect is caught and justice is served in the way that God sees fit. My thoughts and prayers go out to Boston, all the victims, law enforcement, and even those people who are still trying to heal from other tragedies like what happened in Newton, CT. I have no doubt in my mind that God will bring out something remarkable from these tragedies.

Does God cause all of these tragedies? No. It is NOT in God's plan to hurt us, for people to die, etc. Why things like this happen, we may never know. I do know that God is good, perfect, sovereign and loves us more than we can ever comprehend. He knows and understands how we feel better than anyone else can. He can turn something broken, something shattered, ashes, and wounds into something extraordinary. Just seek Him, trust that He will work in your life, and be patient. When you seek Him, so much good comes out of it.

Don't only seek Him when things are bad... seek Him when things are good or when you're in a waiting place. It won't always be easy and it's not a one-time thing. Seeking Him needs to be constant because it'll be worth it in the end.

So stay strong, stay hopeful and love others. (Including those you may not like or who are working your last little nerve!) Love you all! Better days are coming.

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