17 July 2015

What am I doing this summer??

Image Credit: marin via FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Hey all!

Just wanted to give a quick update on what I'm up to this summer.

For starters, I'm working at a job that I really enjoy. Ever since I started this job, I've learned something about myself. I feel more satisfied and fulfilled when I'm working behind the scenes. I like being able to start tasks on my own and being able to figure out how to organize or solve tasks using what I know and my own creativity. I like having the freedom of working out story ideas in my head without others thinking that I'm spacing out on them. On the other hand, I (and a gajillion of other people) am still trying to figure out what I want to do and what is it God needs me to do. I see friends, acquaintances and family getting into careers and work fields that they love and feel called to. Teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, engineers, therapists, entertainers, athletes, ministry work, armed forces, etc. It's cool to watch and a bit of a wake up call. One that's saying "we're not kids anymore". We're adults going into career paths that we observed the generations before us going into. Seriously? When did this happen??

I also play Ultimate with a local group about once a week. (I wish it were more often.) Per usual, the make up of players is 95% male, 5% female. (And I'm not counting those females that sit on the side lines and watch then leave after 30 minutes. Seriously ladies... join in! It's fun, we'll teach you how to play and if we gather enough of us, we can start our own game. C'mon! How cool would that be??) I'm no stranger to this (an unequal amount of males and females playing in a game overall). I've kinda gotten used to playing on a team that's mostly guys. For me, personally, it forces me to run a little faster, jump a little higher and re-evaluate my strengths so that I can use them to my advantage and to help out my team. It's like "progressive overload". Progressive overload is a term used in the exercise and sports science fields to describe the process when, over time, an individual adds a bit more resistance, weight, time or distance when training or working out. The overall goal is to become a stronger, faster and/or increase endurance. You have to keep challenging yourself. However, challenging yourself too much can have negative and even catastrophic effects. Kinda sounds like life, huh?

Hmm... what else? I'm caught up with Arrow and The Flash, so I've started watching "A Different World" on Netflix. The characters have me laughing out loud and identifying with them on some things they experience.

I've even decided to work with lessons on  Khan Academy like "Intro to JS: Drawing and Animation". It's actually quite interesting!

Other than that, I'm writing, reading and, dreaming. I'm thinking about writing. Thinking about plot ideas. Thinking about character development. Jotting down ideas and giving the loud ones a chance to express themselves in story form. I'm reading and listening to audiobooks that I have down on my "To Read" list while continuously adding new ones. I'm dreaming about what it's like to be paid doing something that I love, that's fun for me and benefits other people at the same time.

So that's what I'm doing. In the meantime, be sure to check out the CBLV blogger's new Facebook page and hit the like button if you enjoy reading my blog posts.

Later peeps!

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