02 August 2015

Cecil vs. Sandra: A Vegan Black Woman's Thoughts

Disclaimer: If you haven't heard the news about Sandra Bland or Cecil the Lion, you might want to do a Google search before reading this.

I'm seeing a lot of people (particularly black people) showing their anger and frustration that the news media is talking about the death of a lion instead of maintaining prime focus on Sandra Bland and the corruption behind her death. Both stories are important and both stories are heartbreaking. As a black, vegan woman, hearing these stories breaks my heart even more. For the death of a young, black woman. For the death a lion that was being protected. And he fact that people still aren't making a connection between the death of exotic animals and the death of the animals on their plates.

The stories of injustices towards black people are numerous. So why bother mentioning the death of Cecil the lion amidst stories teeming with racial injustice? I don't believe it's to downplay the problems that black people are facing. Perhaps it's because people are getting tired and burned out from watching history repeat itself with the same outcomes. So, a different news story is highlighted. Just like math homework. When you're stuck on a problem, you don't stay there and dwell on it forever; you move on to a different problem and come back later. Whatever the answer may be, please don't create more issues by placing one injustice over another. Wrong is wrong.

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