25 September 2015

8 More Things I Wish Guys Knew About Women

Hello all! I enjoyed writing the first part to this so much, I decided to do another one.

When we talk to you about different things or our problems, sometimes we aren't looking for a "fix-it" response. Some times we just want you to listen and to be in the know about what we're dealing with at that time.

Why do we like sparkly things? For the same reason that men like cars. We just do.

We wish that all men could experience the pain and discomfort of periods, cramps and child birth so you all the comments about it being "not that bad" can stop.

"Why do women keep dating and falling for the 'bad boy'?" 
1. Well, think about what make the "bad boy"... bad. He didn't get that reputation because he was self-conscious and unsure of himself. It's because he was confident. Ladies like a man who's confident. Besides, we can ask you all the same thing. Why do you keep dating and falling for women who are flaky, inconsiderate and/or uncaring about you or your relationship?
2. Some women sometime truly don't see what you see or if they do, they don't care.
3. Sometimes, they're getting something out of that relationship that they believe they can't get from anyone else.
4. Sometimes, she's not the person you really think she is.
(Note: Guys, if you're falling hard for a girl that is with a "bad boy", you can warn her; especially if you all are close. However, be prepared for the possibility of having to move on.)

If you get slapped or something thrown at you for drawing a parallel between anger and her period or PMSing... you probably deserve it.

Don't assume that a woman wouldn't know about anything that's considered to be incredibly geeky or nerdy. Give her a chance and wait to see if she tells you whether or not she understands what you're talking about. You may find out that she's interested in learning more.

"Why do women like muscular guys?" For the same reasons some guys like women with well-endowed chests and curvy rear-ends. We just do. Okay, seriously. Some women are attracted to muscular men because on some level, visible physical fitness can be an indicator of health. On another level we think "muscles = strength = more likely to be able to protect the ones he loves from harm". On another note, women have preferences just like men. Don't assume that a woman wouldn't be interested in a guy because he doesn't have Chris Hemsworth's body. Just be you and take care of your body.

Stop saying, "Hey, girl/baby/sweetheart." to us if we aren't in any kind of relationship. Yes, we know it's meant to be flattering but, it's annoying and uncomfortable. It's condescending. If we aren't in any relationship with you, you don't have that freedom to call us that.

Women like guys that like to read. Magazines don't count.

Ladies, are there any other things you wish guys knew about girls? Comment and share.

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