28 September 2015

The Book I Plan on Reading This Week Is...

Image credit: "Prohibited Sign" by artur84 via FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Margaret Atwood's, The Handmaid's Tale. I looked up my new read on Goodreads, the tags that describe the book are: science fiction, dystopia, feminism, and fantasy. Side note: I enjoy dystopia stories. So dystopia+feminism sounds intriguing! Scrolling down, I also saw that one of my favorite authors, Veronica Roth, also marked it as 'to-read'.

Last year, my banned/challenged book was The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. In this book, Sinclair shows readers the harsh life of immigrants living in the meatpacking district. We see different aspects of their home lives, their hopes and dreams before coming to America, how they are treated during and outside of work, and how they view their world after a few years. In addition to the life of the immigrants, the reader is led down a very vivid and gory journey of what goes on in the slaughterhouses, how the animals are treated, and how the meat is treated before it's sold for consumption. (All for the sake of convenience and money.) It's gross, but I strongly encourage everyone to read it. Then do your own research about factory farms and slaughterhouses today.

So with that being said, I say: be bold and read a banned/challenged book this week... or at least listen to the audio version. (Not the movie!)

Happy Monday!

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