28 December 2015

Adventures in Urbana! - Day One

Hello, readers! I'm writing you to from St. Louis. I'm at a Christian conference with Intervarsity called Urbana 15. My master plan: provide little updates on how things are going and some of my thoughts.

After a rainy 8 hour drive, we checked into our hotel and checked in for the event. My first thoughts upon arriving: "There are so many people here. And of different cultures and ethnicities."

The evening brought a jam-packed worship session (and more rain). This was my first time experiencing a worship session that included singing and praying in different languages. Korean, Spanish, French, Swahili. This is what Christ's Church should look like. People of all backgrounds, cultures, socio-economic levels coming together for one common purpose: to be with and learn about God.

This morning, for the first time, I got a chance to hear a message about diversity, unity and the Church. The speaker, Christena Cleveland, gave such a moving speech. So moving that I figured that if her writing is a wonderful as her public speaking, then her book, Disunity in Christ, may end up being a favorite of mine. I gotta say, I can't wait to read it.

The rest of the early-mid afternoon consisted of lunch with friends, (more rain, more wind... guys I really need a new umbrella!), and seminars. With 16,000 people here, seminar seats are "first come, first serve, no saves". I didn't get the opportunity to go to my first choice for the second round of seminars but, I did go to another one that was on the bottom of my list. (Hey, I'm being honest!) Singleness. Well, more so singleness while in the field of missions. Reader, I wish I could say that I learned something new or that the seminar gave me a new look on singleness. Perhaps, I need more time.

While, I don't know what else the rest of the day will hold, I'm hoping that it will be great. Until next time, reader.

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