03 January 2016

My Addiction: Books and Reading

I felt like this needed a separate post of its own. Last year may have been an emotional year but, it was also the year of books. January 2015, a family member on Facebook posted that they were going to do a reading challenge that they found on popsugar.com. So, I decided to join in. At the same time, I decided to do the Goodreads challenge. Here are my reading stats.

Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge Goal: 20
Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenge Read: 56


2015 Popsugar Reading Challenge
Pardon the liquid stains. They're either tears or water...  Nearly all 50 boxes are checked except for 12. (Wait, what?) However, there are plenty of books written in the margins that didn't fulfill one of the categories.

  • A book with more than 500 pages - The Lost Sisterhood
  • A classic romance - A Little Something Different
  • A book that became a movie - Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
  • A book published this year - All Fall Down
  • A book with a number in the title - One for the Money
  • A book written by someone under 30 - Losing It
  • A book with non-human characters - Cress
  • A funny book - The Job
  • A book by a female author - House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz (Note: I changed 'female' to 'male' because a large majority of the books I read are already by women. So actively looking for a book by a man provided me more of a challenge.)
  • A mystery or thriller - The Silent Wife
  • A book with a one-word title - Scarlet
  • A book of short stories - Earth's Mightiest Heroes: The Avengers #1
  • A book set in a different country - The Expats
  • A nonfiction book - The Birth Order Book
  • A popular author's first book - The Rook
  • A book from an author you love that you haven't read yet - The Silkworm
  • A book a friend recommended - The Shack
  • A Pulitzer Prize-winning book
  • A book based on a true story - The Anatomy Lesson
  • A book at the bottom of your to-read list - The Paris Mysteries
  • A book your mom loves
  • A book that scares you
  • A book more than 100 years old - The Time Machine
  • A book based entirely on its cover - A Lifetime of Secrets
  • A book you were supposed to read in school but didn't
  • A memoir - I Am Malala
  • A book you can finish in a day - Dork Diaries
  • A book with antonyms in the title - Pros and Cons
  • A book set somewhere you've always wanted to visit - The Husband's secret
  • A book that came out the year you were born
  • A book with bad reviews - Eyes on You
  • A trilogy
  • A book from your childhood - A Wrinkle in Time
  • A book with a love triangle 
  • A book set in the future - Cinder
  • A book set in high school
  • A book with a color in the title - Captain America and Black Widow
  • A book that made you cry
  • A book with magic - Goddess Boot Camp
  • A graphic novel - The Avengers: Origins
  • A book by an author you've never read before - Pretty Little Mistakes
  • A book that you own but have never read - Americanah
  • A book that takes place in your hometown - The Shell Game (Okay, part of the story does.)
  • A book that was originally written in a different language
  • A book set during Christmas - Politically Correct Holiday Stories
  • A book written by an author with your same initials
  • A play - The Life of Galileo
  • A banned book - Alice in Wonderland
  • A book based on or turned into a TV show
  • A book you started but never finished - Introverts in the Church
Extensive! BUT, as you can see in the picture, I have more books that read written in the margins:

  • The Avengers: Mythos
  • Talon
  • Ender's Game
  • Etiquette and Espionage
  • The Scam
  • Confessions of a Murder Suspect
  • The New 52: Justice League
  • X-Men Origins
  • Marvel vs. DC #1
  • Marvel vs. DC #2
  • Forgotten God
  • Four
  • Justice League 1
  • JLA Earth 2
  • Mysterious Messages
  • Fairest
  • The Sleeper and the Spindle
  • Code Name Verity
Whew! I've had people ask me how do I read so fast and then they express in interest wanting to read more. My secrets are {drumroll please...}
  1. I read more then one book at a time. For example I may start a really long book then start a shorter book all the mean while, I have another book that's on CD or mp3 audiobook that I listen when I'm doing house, computer work or running errands.
  2. Well, you may have guessed the second one already but, I read hardcover/paperback books, ebooks and I listen to audio books. 
  3. I don't always buy my books. 95% of the time, I get them from libraries. Even the mp3 audiobooks and ebooks. (Hint: go ask your librarian about eMedia.)
Right now, my goal for 2016 is to read 50 books. I also have a couple 2016 reading challenge lists. So, let's go!

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