08 December 2012

Understanding Introverts: Part 1

Hello lovely peoples! This post is all about understanding introverts. I think it's pretty cool how God created us so differently! Not just physically but mentally.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
John 13:34
We introverts are not weird and there's nothing wrong with us. I would also like to add that introverts do exist in the African-American community. (I'm living proof!) We're not intentionally mean, intentionally rude, self-centered, vain, depressed, antisocial, mentally unstable or plain 'ole people-haters. Just individuals who handle social situations/stimuli in smaller amounts, who need more time or a quieter environment to process information and need to have some alone time every now and then. So I would like to take some time to help understand about introverts/the quiet people.

Introvert/Quiet≠shy. Someone can overcome shyness. Introversion is how the brain is wired and usually cannot be helped. Same thing for extroversion. It's known (here) that introverts have more brain activity in the frontal part of the thalamus and the frontal lobe (the areas of the brain that control problem solving, control making plans and remembering things) while extroverts have more brain activity in different parts of the brain. So when the extroverts are wondering why in the world do we want to be alone and we're wondering why in the world do you want to be around people all the time, there's your answer.

Being shy is different from being an introvert or just quiet. Being shy refers to one being timid around people or afraid to talk. Someone who is introverted is not necessarily afraid to talk. Perhaps they do better with observing or working behind the scenes. Maybe they don't have anything to contribute to the topic (especially if someone has mentioned it already.) Perhaps they don't know anything or much about the topic. And sometimes, the person may not particularly like the topic and aren't going to say anything for whatever reason. There can be a ton more reasons and those are just a few.

Introverts/quiet people do have the ability to talk. For those of you who are extroverts, outgoing and like to talk, please don't make a joke or comment to an introvert that says something like, "Gosh, you're talking my ear off!" "Stop talking already!" "You have a lot to say. Haha" It's not funny in fact it makes you seem kinda mean and taunting, especially if you all don't know each other very well. After saying something like that, the person may not want to consider talking to you. They're (the person who's an introvert) well aware they haven't said anything or said much. (Or maybe you did but you missed it.) Like I mentioned before, there could be various reasons as to why. And might I add, don't even think about saying something like that loud enough for a group of people to hear unless you're aiming to embarrass them. (Which I advise against nonetheless.) That's just calling too much attention to them and again, kinda mean.

Whew! I don't know about you but, I felt like that was a lot of information! So if you're an introvert, embrace who God made you to be because you never know how He may use you. If you're an extrovert, don't forget to show someone who is an introvert/quiet some luv, especially if they are a family member or a friend. We have friends and enjoy friendship. The two personality types can be good friends. Just make sure there's patience, love and appreciation of the other person even if you don't fully understand why. Love you all and come back for part 2!

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