08 September 2015

7 Things I Wish All Guys Knew About Women

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I've often wondered what I would say if I had the opportunity to give a talk to a bunch of guys on women in general.

A quick Google search or look in the self-help section at book stores can give you tons of material to read; some serious, some humorous and satirical. So why am I writing this? Well, besides the fact that I want to, I'm also writing this in hope that there will be something that some guy out there will find helpful. Remember, this isn't an "end all be all". I'm just sharing from my experiences, point of view and my observations.

Dear Guys,

"What do women talk about when they're away from guys?" The answer is any and everything. Many times, it's not about you or any other guy. We talk about everything from what's going on in our lives to what's going on in the news. (FYI: Women can be just as dirty, raunchy, nasty, gory, potty-mouthed or crass in conversation as men can.)

On behalf of all introverted and quiet girls out there, we know you are drawn to the outgoing and extroverted girls; there's no waiting or guess work and less effort. Just know that there are other girls that are that just as interesting... if not more who are not outgoing or extroverted. Please don't assume that just because we're quiet, we won't talk to you or anyone. Just try engaging in conversation with us. So, how can you tell if she's interested in you? Along with the standard prolonged eye contact and smiling whenever you look her way, if she repeatedly goes out of her way to talk to you one-on-one, compliment you or say hi... she probably likes you. So, what do you do if you go talk to her but, she still seems really "quiet"? Be patient. Sometimes, it takes time for us to warm up to someone new. (She may also be silently freaking out because the guy that she really likes is taking notice of her.)

NO MEANS NO. Period. I don't care if that no is, 
"No, I don't want to go to there."
"No, I'm not interested in you."
"No, I don't want to have sex with you". 
I don't care if she adds "sorry" to her no. She gave you her answer, so BACK OFF.

Black women like non-black guys too. Black women like white guys, Asian guys, Latino guys, Middle Eastern guys, Pacific Islander guys, mixed guys, Indian guys, Native American guys as well.

Dancing is attractive. I'm talking about ballroom and latin dancing. Whether you're a novice, an expert or somewhere in between, knowing how or learning how to lead is attractive. It shows confidence and leadership. Plus, it's fun and seeing you having fun dancing makes us happy, too.

You are not less of a man if you don't eat anything that came from an animal. I'm going to admit that I'm a little puzzled at where "real men eat meat" came from. Most women will not look down upon you or think less of you because you don't eat any animal products. In fact it shows that you are compassionate and caring towards all creatures, that you care about the environment, other people and your health.

We wear make up for ourselves, not you. Women wear make up because it's fun to wear and experiment with, we like the way it looks on us and it's a way to add something to our own style.

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