30 December 2015

Adventures in Urbana! - Days 3 and 4

Last night was different. It was humbling... eye-opening. It's the kind of thing that I wish all Christians in America could see. The theme of last night was Christian persecution in different countries. After hearing about some experiences, we... all 16,000 of us, had the opportunity to pray and meditate. As I sat in my seat taking in everything I said, 

"God, I have no idea what to say. There are a lot of people hurting right now. Please help them."

To my left, someone prayed the entire hour. At times, you could hear small and large groups of people singing and crying out. Others wrote and some, like me, just sat quietly.

I wish I had the opportunity to go off to a different place in the building to think, write and pray on my own then come back. I, like others, have a hard time trying to imagine not being able to go to church or worship at a large event without fear of having my family, home or life threatened. But for my other brothers and sisters in Christ this is something that happens daily. Reader, if you don't know about Christian persecution in different countries, I urge you to go to the World Watch List.

After some much needed morning quiet time and a delish black bean burger with corn salsa, (my vegan taste buds were singing) I went to the seminar that I had been looking forward to the most. Writing and Publishing as a Missional Vocation.

When the seminar started I didn't feel uncomfortable or feeling as if I didn't belong there. I didn't even have "aha!" moment. I just was at peace. Out of all the seminars I went to, this one made me feel like I was in the right place; that this was what God wanted me to hear. I actively took notes and I even got a chance to talk with the speaker and a couple of other Urbana goers as well. Okay, I felt a little nervous initiating a conversation with the speaker. She's a published author and to me, they're like rock-stars. I left the seminar feeling at ease and excited for what God has in store for me as a writer.

And at dinner, I talked with another person about... BOOKS! Another fellow book lover like myself. So, right now, I'm at ease and I'm kinda eager to get further in book 2 of Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters. As usual, I don't know what else God has in store for us tonight or tomorrow. I haven't made any expectations so far and look how things have turned out.

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