01 December 2015

Are twentysomething, single, Christian men rare?

In a world where:
     Atheism/anti-theism/agnosticism is on the rise...
     Cheating and sleeping around is considered normal... 
     Divorce is so common it's almost expected...

Do single, twentysomething, Christian men who want to get married (and stay married) even exist anymore? If they are hiding, what (or who) are they hiding from and why?

As twentysomething, Christian women, we need to be careful of who we let into our lives and look to God for guidance. Why? Because there are wolves in sheep's clothing. So what's a girl to do? Well, some non-Christian dating experts will say, "Look outside the Church. Does he really have to be Christian? There are plenty of guys out there who will love and take care of you but aren't into the 'God thing'. Just give them a chance." 

While I don't doubt that there are some good, non-Christian guys out there who will make wonderful spouses, putting a Christian and non-Christian together in a relationship is not only unwise, but it's not God's best. 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 talks about just that. For Christ-followers, God comes first, especially marriage. In a marriage, two people are coming together to be seen as one in the eyes of God. So, what happens when one spouse has a relationship with God while the doesn't and could care less? In that case, there's no Godly foundation. The couple is bound to experience more conflict, clashing and exhaustion that can weaken the marriage over time. No one wants to be in a relationship that's tiresome and problematic.

With that being said, If you're a single, twentysomething, Christian woman who wants to get married my message for you is this (and you probably won't like it): keeping waiting, keep praying and don't lower your expectations. If you're a single, twentysomething, Christian guy who wants to get married then my message for you is this: SPEAK UP, let your intentions and actions be clear, and pray for guidance.

What are your thoughts??

1 comment:

  1. I have listen to most women and men why they don't want to get married. The drama that one or the other bring to the table. Just saying you are a Christian man or woman will not make a marriage last. While dating often you don't see the real person and once you place the ring on the finger all hell break loose. Most can talk the talk but can't walk the walk.
