25 May 2016

Stress Buster Wednesdays: Working Out Should Be Fun

Yes, I said it. Getting your rear end off the couch and doing something physically active should bring a sense of excitement and fun in your life. If you find yourself dreading your workout then it may be time for you to branch out and find something new to do.

We all know that mental health is just as important as your physical health so I believe that physical activity and working out shouldn't cause distress in your life. Too many times we are led to believe that working out and physical activity means spending 30-45 minutes multiple times a week on an elliptical, treadmill, strength training and/or doing crunches. While those things have their benefit, not everyone will find it fun or exciting. Here are a few ideas of some different forms of exercise you might want to look into.

  • Ballroom/Latin dancing - This is one of my favorite forms of cardio. Don't think it's a workout? Maybe not practicing different dances step by step but once there's a 5 minute upbeat song playing, you will sweat. Plus it's also a good way to meet new people and find new and great music.
  • Hip-Hop Cardio - A friend that I met at school and church teaches a class like this and from what I hear, people love it.
  • Zumba - I haven't tried this yet but, I hear it's fun. Seems like a craze worth trying, right?
  • Swimming - For me there's something calming about being in the water (after I've stopped shivering and the water depth is something that I'm comfortable with) and feeling my muscles working as I practice different strokes/kicks. For anyone who doesn't know how to swim (at all or well), it's never too late to learn. Plus, who doesn't like splashing around like a little kid??
  • Ultimate - Ultimate soccer meets basketball with a little bit of football thrown but with a disc and no tackling. Yes, there's lots of running but catching and throwing a colorful disc in warm weather can make it worthwhile. This sport is also beach friendly. While it seems that more guys tend to gravitate towards this sport, women do play. (In fact, there are co-ed teams and women's leagues out there.)
What do you think? There's a ton more sports and activities that can make working out and being physically active fun. What would you like to try?

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