
12 July 2012

I'm due for an introduction aren't I? Okey-doke, here it goes...

Oh hello there! Welcome to my little blog. I'm Barb. :) I'm named after my aunt so, I'm one of the few generation y-ers with that name. When I was in elementary school, I wished my name was more modern. Now, I've grown to like my name and I enjoy being the only person in my class or Bible-study that has that name. I'm currently an Exercise Science major with a concentration in Pre-Physical Therapy. I started out as a Biology major and tried to stay with that for a while but, God led me down a slightly different path and I'm glad He did. Just so you know, I love Jesus! He's my Lord and Savior and apart from Him, I have and am nothing. <3 <3 <3

Five random facts about me...

  1. I've had about 5 years of ASL total. 3 years in high school and 2 years (or so) in college. I'm not fluent but, I enjoy learning about Deaf culture and learning more about signing. It's a beautiful language.
  2. I don't like blueberries. I've tasted them on more than one occasion but I can't get over the texture. For all of you blueberry lovers out there, I apologize.
  3. My favorite Bible verse is Romans 12:2
  4. I haven't been out of the country (Canada does not count) yet but, If I could go to a different country or part of the world at this very moment, I'd love to see Italy, Australia, Japan, or the Serengeti.
  5. I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian (and still learning different recipes). Yay meatless!!
That's a little about me. Ask me questions.. comment and stay tuned for another topic! :)

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