
24 October 2012

Stick shift anyone?

So we have a car that has a manual transmission. (It's used car from someone else.) No biggie. I'm grateful that the Lord has blessed us with a car so we can go to work and do what we have to do. Thankfully, my dad knows how to drive a stick. However my mom, sister and I do not. I'm learning and my sister was learning but she's a couple states away now. I never really had a great wanting or urge to own and drive a stick. Sure, I thought it may be kinda helpful if in the future there were and emergency and I had drive for someone but never, "I HAVE TO LEARN TO DRIVE A STICK SHIFT!!!! GAAAAHHHHH!!!" *insert any rage meme here*

Anyways, I'm learning and my dad is patient and more confident in me than I am in myself. To be quite honest, I really don't like having to do, what feels to be, 5-6 things at once just to stop, start, and cruise (as much as you can "cruise" in the city). I've never realized how many stop and start situations there are. My fear is that (don't laugh...) the car is going to start going and then stall at some kind of intersection where a semi (or at least a very large truck) is going to come barreling at me refusing to stop! (Okay, so I may have a slightly overactive imagination.) Ohhh, and don't get me started on hills! Let's just say this, I pray that the people behind me have any kind of inkling to not stop so close behind me.

I know this is all probably part of the learning process but I do know for a fact that when the time comes for me to get my own car, I will not actively seek out one that has a manual transmission. Putting me behind the wheel of a car that is, is a good way to send my blood pressure up. (Pretty sure that's fight-or-flight kicking in.)

Sooooo... Is there anyone out there, particularly a college age person, learning or knows how to drive a stick shift? Please share.

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