
06 March 2016

Beautiful Lying Lives with a Personal Update

We are all liars.

At some point in time on social media, that is. Show your life's highlights that get or would get the most likes and keep share the photos for Throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday. Don't forget to untag or delete those pictures that make you look like you're sneezing on someone or looking like you just rolled out of bed prior to. Or maybe we don't do that. Maybe we continue to post something funny or some inspirational words over and over again when really, we feel like someone took the puzzle of our lives, shook the box and threw out a couple pieces just for kicks.

Ah ha! But, that's not all. In American culture (for any non-Americans who might be reading this) when someone says,
"Hi, how are you?" the answer is always,
"I'm good/well. And you?". They, in return, will reply with the same,
"I'm good."
It doesn't matter if you're ecstatic because you just paid off all of your student loans and got free Chipotle that day or if you're devastated because a loved one died. We're not asking how you truly are at that moment in time, we're just asking you to go through the motions because it's better than not saying anything. Okay, occasionally there's that one person who stops to tell you everything about their day, leaving you feeling awkward because you weren't prepared for any conversation and guilty because you know you're not going to reciprocate. (We introverts would be breaking out in a cold sweat at that point.)

Don't feel bad, because I'm guilty of the same thing. However, it wasn't until I was in college when I was fortunate enough to meet a couple individuals within my campus ministry who were a little different. When they asked, "How are you?", they really wanted to know how you were. They didn't want the real answer, they wanted your real answer. You could tell in their tone of voice, their eyes and sometimes they would outright tell you. And assuming you were truthful to them, they would share about themselves and how they were doing, which lead to delighting in joys together, sharing a hug and/or spending time in prayer together. If you know anyone like this, keep them close and pray for them as well. Just like you need prayer for something, they need it too.

So, how ARE you doing? Honestly.

Me? I've been feeling pretty crappy for a while. I feel as if I've been forced to a place in my life where all the doors and windows are shut, leaving me in a very silent waiting place. My fist and feet hurt from banging on the doors and my voice is raw from shouting, asking for answers. I'm not enjoying this {long} chapter in my life. It's frustrating, it hurts and it feels kinda lonely at times. But my ability to admit that I feel these things says that I'm still here and I haven't quite given up hope yet. To keep my mind off of things, I do my best to push social media to a back burner. My free time then consists of reading and watching Marvel and DC comics stuff, fantasy and sci-fi stories while the characters in my writing go through a bit of suffering. I won't apologize because it wouldn't be a story if there wasn't some sort of conflict.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to share your entire life on social media or let any and everyone into our all of our business. Just this: what if we were a bit more honest with each other? What if we started showing our friends, family, co-workers, classmates, acquaintances that we care about them as a whole and not just the bright and shining highlights? After all, we all lead imperfect, messy lives and everyone, even the most resistant person wants to feel cared about.

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