
27 October 2016

25 Bookish Facts About Me

I've seen this tag floating around on BookTube and since the idea of making a video of me talking scares me more than it does thrill me, I'm going to do a blog version with pictures!

My favorite book as a young child was Goodnight, Moon by Margaret Wise Brown.
Image courtesy of Goodreads

My favorite book of all time is Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh. I had one copy that I read until it fell apart, then I got another copy to replace it. (Which is now falling apart). I got a hardcover special anniversary edition as a birthday present this year and I plan on keeping it safe. Thanks to that book (and the movie), I've been writing and journaling since I was 7 and to this day I still really enjoy a good spy/heist novel.

When I'm stressed out, I tend to listen to audiobooks and read more comic book/graphic novels.

As of right now, I have more fantasy books on my bookshelf and my to-read list than I do any other genre

My favorite graphic novel (so far) is The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi.

I'm slightly ashamed to say that I have not read the entire series of The Chronicles of Narnia. I read the first book in 5th grade and I've seen the movies. Just haven't gotten around to reading the rest. I should get on that.

My favorite classics are/were The Secret Garden, A Little Princess, and The Wizard of Oz.

Unfortunately, I only own The Wizard of Oz.

When I was in elementary school, I wrote and illustrated a picture book about a girl and her cat, titled Lucy and Kate, for the Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators contest. I got an honorable mention.

The first manga that I read was Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi.
Image courtesy of Goodreads

One of my bookish pet peeves is having to mark a book as DNF.

As a kid I didn't like the clear plastic covering that were on library-owned hardcover books because I wanted to be able to feel the jacket and see what was underneath. I still feel the same way now.

I still have bookmarks from elementary school.

My least favorite genre (so far) are romance books that don't have any other storyline other than the main characters getting together.

I was a fan of Twilight when I was in late high school and early college. (And I didn't care if Bella was an unreliable narrator.) But I never considered myself to be a "Twihard". Back then I was Team Edward but after reading Dannika Dark's books, the shifter world seems much more interesting.

I love it when a book that I enjoyed gets turned into a movie. But I can't stand it when the original cover of a book is replaced with the movie version.

My favorite place to read is in a big comfy chair with a blanket nearby and tea, coffee or apple cider at my side.
Image courtesy of Michelle Meiklejohn at Free Digital Photos

I don't like marking in books or dog-earring the pages.

Paperback or Hardcover? Hardcover
Image courtesy of ddpavuma at Free Digital Photos

I read more fiction books than I do non-fiction books.

I'd rather have a book that has a lot of chapters but fewer pages per chapter.

My favorite brick and mortar bookstore is Half-Price Books. My favorite online bookstore is Book Outlet.

The first book I ever had signed by an author was Things Change by Patrick Jones.

When I was in elementary school, there were many times I choose to read during recess rather than do what all the other kids were doing.

My favorite book of the Bible is Ruth.

Buying a new copy of a book is fun and all but I much rather "adopt" a used copy instead.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Barb! This if fantastic. I share some of your favorite reads; #1 and #2. This is definitely a less scary platform than a video. lololol

    Keep shining!
