
31 December 2016

New Years 2017 and What I'm Learning

Well fam, 2016 is on its way out the door and 2017 is on its way in. How are you all feeling? Hopeful? Excited? Unenthused? Sad? Worried? *Shoulder shrug*?

2016 sucked. Yeah, there were some learning experiences that will make me a better person... blah, blah, blah. For me this year was another one of battles, personal struggles and a constant feeling of failure, inadequacy and when you factor in the news stories, helplessness. But now, I'm feeling (dare I say) a little bit hopeful with a *shoulder shrug*. 

I've always been a little cautious about being too hopeful for the next year because there's always the chance of hopes being dashed or unmet. And no one likes getting hurt or diappointed. This time seems different and I don't know why. Perhaps it's maturity or circumstances but most likely it's God at work because I have a few things that I'm looking forward to for the next year:

  • Fitness: I'm doing more 30 day fitness challenges using an app that I downloaded a few months ago. Hello arms, abs and cardio!
  • Writing, writing and more writing: I've finally started my novel and I have a couple short stories in the works as well. I'm learning that I'm missing out on networking and having a good support system of fellow writers. My goal is to change that.
  • #BlackGirlCoding: I've become more intentional about learning about computer programming. So far I'm learning JavaScript and HTML/CSS through Khan Academy and Codecademy. I don't know what all I want to do with it quite yet. I'm still learning about all of that. Although, the idea of making an app or being able to edit my own website sounds very intriguing. 
  • What else? There's more but I'll reveal those in due time.

I've recently realized why making new year resolutions never worked for me. I've always seen them as a form of planning. Normally, I'm a planner all the way. It's in my blood. Writing, meals, day-to-day routines, trips, life, etc. But when it comes to making life changes, anything I make extensive plans for ends up falling flat. It's so easy to focus on what needs to be done, how it should be done, when to do it and for how long. When the time comes to actually going through with it, the idea is tired, worn out and uninteresting to me. If there's a life change that I want or need to make, I just have to stop overthinking things and do it. Is anyone else like this? (Kind of reminds me of Nike's slogan.)

To this day, I'm still skeptical about making new year resolutions. Instead I make and work on goals throughout the year and then keep a mental list of things that I'd like to do in the new year. I'm {still} learning to be willing to step out on faith. Sometimes, the step might actually feel like a leap over the Grand Canyon.

Maybe 2017 will be a better year. And maybe it won't. Who knows. But if we continue to sit around and wait until the next year to make changes in our lives and our world, nothing's going to get done. Don't get it twisted. Planning isn't bad. But when you rely on planning too much it can turn into a cop out.

Anyways, where ever you are, Happy New Year. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay positive.

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