
23 January 2017


There comes a time in a writer's life where... (SNORE!)

NEW OPPORTUNITIES, NEW CHANGES!! (Now that sounds like I'm yelling. All that's missing is bright and flashing neon text.)

Look y'all, here's the deal... (*scrunches up face*)

Okay, I'm just going to say it. I'm ending this blog. It's time to move up, move forward and try new things.

But I won't stop blogging and writing. I'm simply switching to a new platform with a new look, new name and (slightly) new content.

While this is going on a new chapter in my life has begun. All of this will soon be posted my new blog:

And now for the social media plug...

Feel free to follow me there, on Twitter (@BarbC219) and on the Facebook page (which will only see a name change) if you haven't checked it out already.

This was my first blog and in the 4 1/2 years (yes, including the hiatus) that I've had it, I've learned a lot about writing and myself. At the risk of sounding clichéd, I'm excited to see what this new chapter will hold.

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