29 May 2013

A New Milestone

One year ago today, I stopped eating meat and became a lacto-ovo vegetarian. So far, this has been such a cool journey and I don't intend on going back to meat. In this time, I've cut back a little bit on the amount of eggs and dairy I consume. My skin is a little clearer (my locs are longer and like to spend time on my face so it's not as clear as I would like). The time it takes for me to recover from work outs are shorter. I have more energy even if I may have lacked some sleep that night. It's been a LONG while since I've had stomach pains from gastritis which is a HUGE plus! I've been using more spices and pepper to season my food and I have to say... I kinda like spicy foods :).

As of today, I've gone 149 days without soda (i.e. any Pepsi, Coca Cola, or off brands). O.O Thing is, I didn't make a new year resolution or made a pact to not drink soda. I just stopped. It was getting to the point where whenever it was in the house, I'd have at least 1 can a day... that's a lot of sugar, folks. I don't want diabetes. So I drink a lot of water, tea, some hot chocolate (when it was cold), occasionally I'll have fruit juice (I'm picky and I make sure it's actually juice and not "drink") and almond milk. I don't know how much longer I'll go (hopefully for good) but, right now, I just don't want it.

I'm still learning about different foods, different cooking/baking methods and tips. I enjoy trying new foods, new meals and cooking. I love baking even more! Not eating meat and eating more beans, legumes, fruits and veggies works for me. God lent me this body and I intend on taking care of it in the way that's healthy and works for me. :)

Oh, I've started running more. I'm trying to decide if I should do this 5K in July or not... we'll see!

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