30 November 2013

5 Months

That's how long it's been since I last posted. I apologize.

A lot has happened.

I'm back in school, I have my own apartment (ish), my hair is growing (I'll post pictures later) and most importantly, my relationship with God has grown. My head has been swimming with so many blog ideas so between that and trying to study for Human Anatomy & Physiology AND Physics (btw, I do NOT recommend taking those courses in the same semester) I haven't had enough time to sit and post something new. Sadly, I've barely had time to journal, write, or do NaNoWriMo. (Props to those that did do NaNoWriMo!)

Hopefully, I'll get my thoughts and ideas down in an organized fashion soon so I can tell you all what all has happened.

In the meantime follow me!

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