30 June 2013

22 Things I've Learned

Now that I'm officially 23, I've been praising God for allowing me to see another year. I've also been thinking about all that I have learned in the past. So, as I say goodbye to 22 and hello to 23, here are 22 things in no order that I've learned thus far.

1. God's love is unconditional. No matter what you do, how you mess up, who you are... His love is never-ending and has no bounds. There is nothing that can take His love for you away.

2. Food (particularly pizza) taste better when you learn how to make it yourself.

3. You are never too old to watch cartoons. I'm currently on a "Proud Family" kick while looking for and watching serious documentaries in-between.

4. Now is the time to learn who you are and who God made you to be. Expand your hobbies, interests and skills. Just because you're majoring in something or you plan on obtaining a career in a certain field does not mean you can't learn something different, new and completely unrelated to what you're studying.

5. It's never too late to start reading your Bible on a daily basis. When I was feeling completely low and down in spirits, I wanted to feel better. I wanted and needed to hear something from God. Something that reminded me of what I already knew; that He had a plan for me and His goal is not to harm me in any way possible. So, when I was bored and/or feeling bad about myself, I forced myself to re-read verses in my Bible that I bookmarked and highlighted. That led to reading the entire chapter around it and slowly reading different passages. Now, I've gotten into the daily habit of reading a devotional before my feet hit the floor when I wake up, and reading a chapter from a book of the Bible each night until I finish that book.

6. Prayer works. God hears our prayers and He knows exactly how we feel. Sometimes it feels like He's ignoring us or that He has selective hearing when it comes to our prayers but, I promise you... He promises that He knows. Along with prayer there needs to be and existence of faith and trust in Him.

7. Your child self may have said, "I hate doing this" "I'll never enjoy that" "This thing is stupid". Don't be surprised if you end up doing thus said tasks and hobbies and enjoying them. For example... running. Washing dishes.

8. There is nothing wrong with you if you don't drink. You can still have fun and relax without alcohol. 

9. It can take a lot of prayer, time and patience, but it's completely possible to be content and enjoy being single. Especially if you're like me and you've never dated, never had a boyfriend before. It's kinda freeing, too. There will be times when you don't care for the single life but, it's temporary.

10. Find out what style of learning resonates with you and figure out how to incorporate it into your studies and daily life. Me? I learn best by watching and doing hands-on activities like science labs.

11. If you REALLY want to learn how to be more patient, learn how to drive a stick shift... then drive it when you're surrounded by impatient drivers with automatic transmission cars.
12. The things you learned in history all throughout grade school is only the tip of the iceberg. Find a topic that interests you and research things for yourself. Don't wait for someone else to tell you. You never know how useful it will be in life.
13. There will be some foods that your body will no longer like or accept.

14. There will STILL be some math functions that you don't use.

15. If you have peroxide that's past its expiration date, don't bother checking the smell. Just toss it. Trust me.

16. You will find out and continue to find out who your true friends are and who are temporary. Don't worry or fret too much. Just keep moving and thank God for the true friends.

17. Everyone has one thing that they do super well at. Take a little bit of time out of life to find it.

18. Your interests, experiences, likes, dislikes, etc. will NOT be the same as another person's or group's. Be you. Not what others think you should be.

19. When you have it set in your mind that you need to impress someone or a group of people to prove yourself, don't be surprised if you end up flat on your behind in the mud.

20. Enjoy all of God's creation. The plants, animals and how they work together.

21. Winter squash may look like whipped sweet potatoes but, taking a good size bite will prove that the taste is not the same.

22. Be thankful for EVERYTHING that God has provided you, including the little things like being able to use the internet. ;)

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