17 October 2016

I'm not telling you

It's no surprise that I'm not a political person. I don't like talking in depth about the election or the candidates and the idea of keeping up with the debates makes my head hurt. Seeing advertisements in the mail and tv ads is to be expected. The volunteers that go door to door making sure people are registered to vote can be a good thing, too. HOWEVER... I draw the line when they want to know who I'm going to vote for. This goes for phone calls, too.

Not too long before I started typing this, my doorbell rang. Unless I'm expecting someone to come over, I'm not too fond of the doorbell ringing period. 

Actually, even if someone is coming over I'd much rather for them to send me a text instead. Doorbells are just startling. #Introvert

Anyways, there was a lady at the door asking for me or my sister. I told her that I'm one of them. She then asks me if I'm registered to vote. When I answer "yes", I'm expecting her to say "That's all. Thank you!" But she doesn't leave. She then says, "Voting for Trump... I mean, who are you voting for: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or undecided?"

Okay, so a few thoughts quickly ran through my head before I answered.

  1. I'm not telling you.
  2. I'm going to guess that your little fumble of words means that you may to convince me to vote one particular way.
  3. Why isn't 'other' a choice on your list? What if I wanted to vote for a third party candidate?
So, given the three choices she gave me, I answered the one that was closest to "none of your business". As she tapped in some information on her tablet, she just shook her head at my response. Why was she shaking her head? I don't know. Perhaps she was expecting a different answer out of me. After all I am a black, American, twenty-something woman so the chances of me voting for a particular candidate should be high. Right??

It didn't dawn on me until after she left that I should've had a little fun of my own by saying that I'm writing in my vote for some fictional book character of my choosing. Bonus points if they don't know who I'm talking about or if they really think I'm serious.

But on a slightly more serious note, has anyone else besides me noticed that there's more chatter about third party candidates? The chatter isn't very loud but there's a little more talk than what their was with the last presidential elections. The only thing that I'm going to say is to go do your research. Then go vote. Wisely.

Image courtesy of coward_lion at freedigitalphotos.net

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