06 June 2016

More Jesus Mondays - That Feel Good Feeling

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)
In this passage, Paul is thanking the people of Philippi for their gifts. He points out that although he's very grateful on their gifts and concern for him during his journey, he doesn't place his dependency on physical gifts. He's dependent on Christ.

Everyone wants to be happy. I've never met anyone that gets enjoyment from being miserable.

If I had to list all of the individual times that I let my happiness be dependent on my life circumstances, it would be an embarrassingly long list.

The thing is, I have to remember that I'm not alone. So many times, we let our circumstances dictate whether or not we will be content and happy today.

"If only I had more money, then I'd be happier."
"If only I had a better job..."
"If only I had a different body type..."
"If only I was in better health..."
"If only I was married..."

Today at work, the postal worker came in to drop off today's mail. He was smiling, chipper and seemed like he was sincerely enjoying his day. My co-worker complimented him on his upbeat attitude saying, "Can you bottle some of that up? You can sell it and make a lot of money." He chuckled and said,
"Today I woke up and choose to be happy."

That lesson has been told to me before. Drilled into my head, almost. But today, it sat with me for a while.

We have to choose to be happy. 

Yes, shift happens but things change. Our dependency should be placed in God's hands, not our own. After all, He has the ability to make something new and wonderful out of the bad, the messy and the stressful.

Choosing to be happy and giving our life circumstances to God go hand in hand. It won't make our problems go away, but it will save us a lot of headache and heartache.

Easier said than done. (I may be "preaching" to you all but I'm also "preaching" to myself.) We have to start somewhere though, and God's pretty patient.

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